Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why I am falling farther and farther behind in school....

we were able to have a photo shoot the other day with some really good friends, and i do think that the one behind the camera is a miracle worker bc
1. she got Russell to not look stoned in his picture.
2. she made korbin look photogenic.
3. she made me look some what decent :)
THANKS again:)
oh and korbin is talking non stop now--most of which is gibberish.. BUT his big boy words now include: doggy(first) ball, mom, da, ba ba (bottle) uhh..( more, up etc) be be (baby).... HE LOVES to dance music and sadly the boy has more rhythm than i do, we caught him bobbing along to 50 cent in the club the other night, he does the hand gestures and everything.... Reading is another one of is prime distractions! he will sit and look at a book for hours (makes it really nice for when i do decide to take a crack at the never ending pile o hw...)


Miss Heather said...

Those pictures are SO amazing! I love them!! It's worth falling behind in school for this. Russ DOESN'T look stoned. He almost always does in the pics I take. Whoever took your photos did GREAT!

Carli said...

Your pictures look great! Who took them? we need new family pics done so badly! Very cute!

Lanette Sanders said...

Yeah, the top one is SO cute! Korbin is so fun!

Alyse and Bob said...

I absolutely love your family pictures. you are so dang cute. Did you cut your hair again? Ummm, we get together soon. I need to see Korbin again. I got to talk to Janelle yesterday at our monthly meeting. Have you started your three week experience yet? You are so close to being done!!!!

Suz said...

Wow the pictures turned out really good! Congrats!

russ said...

love you baby...

Josh and Rach said...

Russell-you look great in this pics, best i've seen of you yet. Mary-you look skinny, and i'm not just saying that, and also LOVE the haircut, very short and sassy. Korbin-you are getting WAY too adorable and big for comfort and I need to see you ASAP. The whole fam-camping trip countdown, only 8 months left

Janell said...

Haha I think a brown cloud which engulfed the legacy center would be a bit disgusting so I'm glad it didn't happen. :P Although just sitting with you would have been quite a fun evening.
I like your family pictures, by the way. Very cute with the clothing planning. I like it. ;)
So Saturday I'm bringing the potatoes and the crock pot right?

Megan said...

Mary! How the Heck are you? And how come it's taken me so long to find your blog (I consider myself an excellent blog hopper, well I use to any way)? Your family is adorable and I am so glad I have some way to keep in contact with you. YEAH!!

Kalli said...

those pictures are awesome

Lanette Sanders said...

Yay! You like the leg warmers! I have mittens to try on her tomorrow, so cross your fingers they fit... I definitely want to go swimming. Korbin and Abigail are hilarious together!

Alyse and Bob said...

please post something.... I need to know what is going on in your life...

Jamilla said...

What cute family pics. You look great! I am sure it wasn't just he camera.
Thanks for the memories! I do miss the kids at the FSC. Do you ever hear anything from Crissy?

Brandon and Maritza Godfrey said...

I love your family pictures