Friday, June 20, 2008


Pregnancy Tag
1. Was your first pregnancy planned? NOPE
2. Were you married at the time? Yes we had been married for 1 and 1/2 years
3. What were your reactions? Confused, Excited, and Happy.
4. Was abortion an option for you? NO WAY... we definitely wanted a baby! (in the end)
5. How did you find out you were pregnant? We went to the doctor to get a refill of birthcontrol.. and turns out I didnt need it...
.6. How old were you? 21
7. Who did you tell first? RUSSELL
8. Did you want to find out the sex of the baby? Yes of course, that way we could plan a little.
9. Due Date? Aug 31st
10. Did you have morning sickness? Yes, but as long as I kept a full stomach I felt ok.
11. What did you crave? Those frozen chocolate covered ice cream bars ( I would eat two while I showered.)
12. What irritated you the most? Getting large
13. What was your first child's sex? BOY!
14. Did you wish you were having the opposite sex of what you were getting? ONly when I was getting peeded on
.15. How many pounds did you gain during pregnancy? I am not telling
16. Did you have a baby shower? Three of them
17. Were your showers a surprise? Nope.
18. Did you have any complications during pregnancy? Not really other than he had a big head and I had too small of hips.. so thats where a c-section came in.
19. Where did you give birth? American Fork Hospital
.20. How many hours were you in labor? We went in at midnight had him at 3 the next afternoon, you do the math
21. Who drove you to the hospital? RUSSELL it was midnight- who else would do it
.22. Was it a vaginal delivery or c-section? C-section
23. Who watched the birth? The doc (russ was behind the curtain
24. Did you take medication to ease the pain? Yes, epidural all the way! . the first three epi's were crap-- only half my body went numb (super fun) and then I had a spinal for the C-section 25. How much did your baby weigh? 7lbs 11 oz
26. When was your baby actually born? Aug 30 3:36 pm
27. What did you name him? Korbin Russell Nelson
28. How old is your first born, today? Almost ten months

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Greatful for the MAN

First off, it is Father's Day so Happy Father's Day!
It is Russell's first Father's Day and he gets to spend it doing two miserable things. For work he travels two weeks out of the month (crappy but the bills have to get paid.) So this being the first week he travels this month, he left this morning at 7:00 am.. after being up all night sick with the CRYPTO. I am not sure how his 5 hour plane ride will go seeing as when one has the CRYPTO one spends a lot of bonding time with the toilet. Even though his week appears to be at a horrible start, he still has an extremely positive attitude and allowed me to crack a few jokes here and there dealing with his new issue.
I just want him to know that I love him and am so great full that he does what he does so I can do what I do. I don't think I would handle leaving for a week at a time and not seeing Korbin very well. But he does and he does it because he love me and Korbin. He really is amazing and a much bigger person than I could ever be.