we were able to have a photo shoot the other day with some really good friends, and i do think that the one behind the camera is a miracle worker bc
1. she got Russell to not look stoned in his picture.
2. she made korbin look photogenic.
3. she made me look some what decent :)
THANKS again:)
oh and korbin is talking non stop now--most of which is gibberish.. BUT his big boy words now include: doggy(first) ball, mom, da, ba ba (bottle) uhh..( more, up etc) be be (baby).... HE LOVES to dance music and sadly the boy has more rhythm than i do, we caught him bobbing along to 50 cent in the club the other night, he does the hand gestures and everything.... Reading is another one of is prime distractions! he will sit and look at a book for hours (makes it really nice for when i do decide to take a crack at the never ending pile o hw...)