Tag your it3 joys:
1. ANY one that knows me ( or pretends to know me) knows that I love the water. I spend the LARGE majority of my time at a pool and have done so for a VERY long time. If I had it my way and the world was perfect I would never leave the pool setting.
2. FOOD. I love food. I have a very long history with it and I can not go more than on hour with out having an encounter with it. I am however a very picky eater... but anything that includes bread, cheese, potatoes, Marconi I am ALL over it :)
3. (keep in mind these are not in order of importance or most joyful) MY family. Russ travels at least two weeks out of the month making me a single mother... and it sucks... I admire those that do this full time. Having him gone really makes me appreciate him when he is home. I never thought I would admit to missing the mess he leaves in the computer room at night... Korbin is almost a year now and it has gone by so fast. I was so blessed to get such a good natured baby. I cant imagine life with out him and am so grateful i have him in my life.
3 fears:
1. KIDNAPPING : now that I have a kid, I can now recognize the real fear out there of the phyco and sick and twisted people that steal children. Once when Korbin was 3 months I went to the store. He was in the cart behind me and i was looking at something on the shelf (probably food) While I was looking the cart rolled ( nothing more than 5 feet) away. I turned around to grab the cart and discovered it was not where I left it. I immediately paniced. Yes he was only not in my presence for a matter of 2 sec, but that was the longest two sec of my life. That was by far the WORST feeling of my life. I cant imagine having that feeling for the rest of my life.
2. Not having any money on my card. Even though I always have money in the bank, and i have that protection plan where it will just take money out of my savings. I am always fearful that my card will decline at the check out in Walmart with forty people in line behind me and my child screaming...
3. BEING LATE : I HATE being late. This is way I am always a good 20 min (ish) early for EVERYTHING. I have been known to drive around the block a gazillion times so I am not extremely early...
3 goals:
1. Not go insane next year with student teaching, working and being a "single-mom"
3. Return to my pre prego weight..............................
3 things you didn't know
1. I am allergic to salad....... Russ still doesn't believe me..but lettuce makes my lips/tongue like crazy... any type of vegetables does this.. I SWEAR! but for those of you who think i can not live with out eating my veggies IS WRONG.. i am living proof.. AND I even made a VERY healthy child doing it!
2. CLUTTER I hate clutter, which is why my house is clutter free.....
3. I AM EXTREMELY shy (if you don't believe me watch me around new people... or situations)
3 weeks ago
Hmmm.... allergic to salad? Hmmmm.......
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