Friday, April 16, 2010

It was bound to happen eventually

My students have discovered a new game..

Q: how many fingers am I holding up?
A: 5...duh.....
Response: NO FOUR ..... Plus one thumb.....

man that joke never gets old.................even after you get asked 10 time within one hour


Skye L. said...

ha that's when you stump them and say no three. the other one is your pinky. two can play the game right? (even if a pinky is a finger.)

Christie said...

nice. kids think they're so smart! but they are pretty funny, you have to admit. I found a bunch of notes from my old students the other day... things like "Miss Manning - are you mad at me? look, if you are, I can explain..." and "Miss Manning is the Queen of the World" complete with a picture of me sitting on top of the world wearing a crown. oh the good old days when I was worshipped...

Christie said...

oh and the baby is due May 5th... to answer your question :) TWO WEEKS! AGH!