So i am in the process of registering for graduation... and i have become extremely bitter about the fact that i have to PAY for the certificate that says i graduated.. have i not paid enough already the last 5 years of my life? i mean i am paying 2 grand just this semester alone (keep in mind i am spending the LARGE majority of that semester not even at the actual college but at an elementary school...) where is my money going???? to the evaluator that said i say "good job" too much and need to google other ways of speaking praise to students.......
on a less irritated note.....
today at school i was grading the DAR (fancy name for reading test that i don't really know what it stand for) anyways this one kid.. we will call him Herbert.... is extremely "special" .. they had to write a summary of the story that they read (about a girl who makes movies using her guinea pigs and one of the movies was titled "carrot wars" and played off of the whole star wars theme.... so in his summary that was one page long he had three lines fill with "duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh.......more duh's.... and the carrot wars.... and then more words pertaining to the summary.. " confused i asked him to come and explain what he did and wanted to give him another chance at a higher score.. he said he did summarize it and didn't want to change it bc the "duhs" were the theme song for the movie... ( say "duh" to the beat of the star wars song and it will make sense..)... really it took all i had not to laugh, but i refrained and told him he was being very creative and to return back to his desk........ some days i LOVE my life...
oh and on a " reasons why i know i have entered into true motherhood stage in my life"
this afternoon when i got home i left Korbin downstairs while i ran to use the restroom upstairs(teachers don't get a time to use the bathroom) when i came back he had his pants AND diaper off AND was PLAYING with the continents of the diaper........... ........ some days i DON'T love my life....
1 month ago