So this year is more than half way over and I have not done a single post about my class this year... to begin with.... there are 20 boys and 7 girls.... that right there should be all I have to say about my class and let your imagination do the rest...but for your entertainment I will continue...
1. There is one boy in my class who has been banished to have his desk right next to my desk to try and keep him under control- today he has REALLY bad gas... who is being punished now...
2. Third graders have a lot of imagination and use that to create new games to play... apparently the game of tag needed to be reinvented..
- ware wolf and vampires * included kids bringing little sacs of garlic to school
- 'what' game: persons it calls out your name and if you answer 'what' you are it * i have been it a few times....
- Cheese touch * i now hate the book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and have been known to say "No cheese touching in here!" a few times a day
3. I also have a boy in my class who at a last desperate attempt to get him to stay in his seat and do his work.. we have him sitting on an exercise ball-
4. The lady I teach with shared this story with me...
We have a set of twins in our class this year and about a month ago a little boy in our class stopped them in the lunch line and informed them that they looked a lot alike.. somehow i feel that i am failing him...
5. We do a lot of shared writing in our class (that is where we all write a story/paragraph together) and because of the fact our boys out number our girls by more than half our stories ALWAYS end up about zombies and dead things... one day when we were working on descriptive sentences we ended up with the following on the board :
The moshed, dead, zombie cat, with a missing eye ball, barked like a starving, angry pit bull.
Just as I was putting the period on the board the principal walked in.. needless to say, I had some explaining to do....
6. Yesterday there was a sub for the morning half--her suggestion to me was to let the kids out every half hour to run around the play ground...
This year has been tons of fun-- and interesting and my kids really do keep my on my toes as far as not being able to just coast by this year- but I love it and wouldn't change classes if I could ....just maybe switch out a few kids ;)
1 month ago
Thanks for the laugh! I love the sentence they came up with and that the principal got to witness it
I have been waiting for an awesome post with funny stories from school!!! :) This totally cracked me up!! Especially the games... and the shared writing. You are awesome and your class is a riot. :)
I HATE HATE HATE the cheese touch. My kids have turned it into "student name" touch... and it is always a kid who doesn't have many friends. (sometimes for obvious reasons) But it makes me feel so bad. I haven't let any of my kids read my diary of a wimpy kid set this year... haha.
oh and I forgot you even had a blog. haha. it's been a while.
hahaha. The cheese touch. I saw the movie and I can see how kids could take off with that. That is awesome! Was you principal pretty understanding?
i subbed a resource class today (not that I'm comparing your kids to "resource kids"), and that is what i wanted to do with them...go outside and run...and never stop running...ever.
You do realize that we have made it to 20 boys and 9 girls, right? Who are you trying to forget?!? :)
sigh...there is as a big reason YOU are teaching math alicia
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