Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sometimes I pretend I can run

Pre race (we look so naive)

After the race (pretty sure that is was death looks like on my part)

So I have always wanted to run a 5 K, but after deciding that running was not as bad as it first seemed I decided to up the mileage to a 10 K. So i suckered my friend Alyse to run one with me last May. We did really good for first timers and enjoyed it too. So we decided to do another one last weekend. This one however was different. One there was little training (it is amazing how much time/energy teaching zaps out of your day. Two there were LOTS of hills--up hills--
So without proper preparation we set out to 'run' this 10 K.
I only added 2 min to my run this time-- usually adding time is a bad thing _BUT_ this time the course was not flat it was very much up hill both ways ;) and lack of training was evident. I am happy to say I am still very much alive and seriously considering running a half in April. (this time with training the right way)
I do feel bad for not seeing Russell and my boys till after the race was over though. I did not want him to come and watch to save myself from embarrassment. But, he decided to surprise me and come and support. However, some how we missed each other at the finish line--


heideman said...

wow a christensen turned out to be a runner. how ever did that happen? i am going to have to ponder this as i sit here eating mac and cheese.

Aaron and Jodi said...

Wow, still impressive! Good for you!

Hoylelicious said...

YEAH good job!! Are you thinking the half marathon in SLC? I ran that half...its so much fun. The energy there is AMAZING!! Im planning on running the half see you there!!

Miss Heather said...

You are AWESOME, Mary!! :)

russ said...

it had to be because you were running so fast that you were just a blur when you ran by me and the boyz :) nice job - keep it up!