Tuesday, March 31, 2009

About Time

So I have been a major slacker in the world of blogging.. but I am here to redeem myself...
I am ALL done with student teaching, and oddly I actually miss it.. a lot.. the kids were really fund and it was nice to be the one that knew all the answers for once (or at least could fake like I did). Now i get to play the waiting game till jobs start posting for next year.. (fingers crossed that a PART time FIFTH grade is on the list... )
My house has taken a major hit in the cleanliness area over these last ten weeks..but is slowly getting put back together only to be torn apart again by Korbin-- don't worry i am not complaining.. He really is a ton of fun!
He has grown so much these past few weeks. He really is getting so big-- he has a very LARGE vocabulary..but chooses to say NO more often than not. and then proceed to throw him self on the ground in a fit.. it really is hard to not laugh..but really that is not possible.. but once you start laughing he forgets about the item you just took away and then laughs too..
Almost every night the past few weeks he has been extremely hyper around bed time... and but that is only encouraged by Russell wrestling with him--which is yes--going in my favorite memory book. It is hard to think of as a little baby that he was almost two years ago.. he so BIG and SO independent now.. I love that i can have a full blown conversation with him, and instead of empty stares i get an actual reaction back from him. I love it. He has become a little attached now that i am home all day.. when i am trying to get some cleaning done he will randomly come up and give me a hug on my legs... nice to know i loved :)
He still is obsessed with coloring... russell and i are desperately trying to teach him that coloring belongs in coloring books NOT the walls, floor, bathtub, reading books, fridge, doors, couch, himself, oven, dishwasher, stairs.. and anything else that is NOT supposed to have any marks.. He got the aqua doodle for his birthday and is recently really taking to it.. i love it bc .. water cant hurt ANYTHING if he decided to draw on it..
When i was taking his picture for (below) i told him to smile.. and he looked up and got all squinty eye and went "eeeeeeese" i am going to count that at CHEESE.. not sure where he learned that one..but hey the kid really is a genius!
Yes i know he REALLY needs a hair cut-but i promise when i am not being lazy and put gel in it it really does go super curly and is really cute..but on days that i lack the motivation.... it looks like butt.. sorry ... get over it.. we are NOT cutting it....right russell????